On the 25th day of March 1966 at 7:25 PM within the confines of the fourth floor conference room, Talmadge Memorial Hospital, was held the first meeting of the incorporators of M.C.G. Flying Club, Inc. Doctor William E Mayher, III, an incorporator, called the meeting to order. Other incorporators present were: Dudley H Bowen, Jr., Robert Youngblood, James Bonvallet, J. G. Jackson and Graham Wood. It was determined that the six incorporators constituted a quorum of incorporators and the assembly thereupon unanimously appointed Mr Bowen as the secretary of the first meeting and Doctor Youngblood, the chairman.

The charter of the M.C.G. Flying Club was read to those present and was spread upon the minutes of the meeting.

By unanimous approval of all present, the within and foregoing charter of the corporation was accepted and adopted.

A set of rules and bylaws was presented to the assembly by Doctor William E Mayher, III, and offered as the bylaws of the corporation. The same were unanimously approved as the bylaws of the corporation and a copy thereof were exhibited in the minutes.

The chairman of the meeting announced that the floor was open for nomination of persons to the board of trustees. Doctor William E Mayher was nominated and unanimously selected as president.

Doctor Harlod Engler was nominated and unanimously elected vice-president.

Doctor Robert Youngblood was nominated and unanimously elected secretary.

James Bonvallet was nominated and unanimously elected treasurer.

Dudley H Bowen, Jr, was nominated and unanimously elected general counsel.

And there became the M.C.G. Flying Club …

… Many years later, the Shareholders and Board of Directors of the Corporation met on February 19, 2013, and voted to adopt Articles of Amendment to change the name of the corporation from M.C.G. Flying Club, INC to Augusta Flying Club, INC.

And thus became Augusta Flying Club, Inc…

The story continues. Will you be a part of the story?